Step 1 Evaluate

We determine what your goals and obstacles are in love, life, or business

Step 2 Evolve

We make you a SMART plan

Step 3 Empower

We hold you accountable to execute

Do You Know Your Worth?

Worth – something we all think about and with it now being income tax season, many people are looking forward to getting their taxes back as they do every year. Some are looking forward to having the extra cash to spend.

Some are looking forward to being able to show off the new items they will purchase. And some are looking forward to doing both. Are you among them? Really, even when it’s not income tax season, what type of mindset do you have as it relates to the things you buy? Have you even stopped to evaluate your spending habits?

So many times, we can choose to put our worth in material things to only end up living a life that lacks value. In the world we live in people are quick to gravitate to things. Things to buy and things to show. Many things that often more than not depreciate immediately. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why? What is it that the things do? In your own life, what is it that makes you say, I’ve just got to have this or that? And once you get it, do you feel the need or desire to show it off? You see, if you know that you are worth more than anything you own, would you choose to insist on being a show boater?

You know, the type of person who goes on social media sites posting pics and posing, traveling here and there for no reason in the name of “getting out of the house”, stopping by family and friends’ houses stating you came to “visit”, or maybe on the phone telling everyone who will listen about your latest purchase. If you have any of these habits or tendencies, why? Do you not realize that someone else made the things that you’ve bought? Do you not realize eventually anything new will become old, worn, and you will need to replace it? Or better yet do you not realize that new thing or gadget that you’ve bought may end up costing you more than it’s worth just to maintain it?

And at that point all you’ve got is an old toy draining your bank account and stressing you out if you really don’t have the money to keep pouring into it. It makes no sense really to live a life chasing the artificial allure of things because the cycle will never really end. There will always be someone with a newer car, a bigger house, more money, or who has more things. The question is once you’re done getting the things you believe you just have to have what real value does having it truly bring? And how does it make you feel once there’s no one left to tell or show?

Is it possible that you’re just infatuated with trying to prove to people who really shouldn’t matter that you’re worth something because of what you own? Is it possible that you think you don’t have an identity without the things you’ve bought? Or is it possible that you feel insignificant without being able to have things to show off or brag about to others? If any of those instances are true for you, I encourage you to see yourself beyond any man-made item. No matter how expensive it is, no matter how rare it may be, no matter how great you think it is I encourage you to see yourself as greater than. Yes, I said greater than, because as a human being your value is irreplaceable.

Am I knocking things? No. Am I saying that you shouldn’t buy things? No. Am I saying that things are bad in some way? No, not at all. However, you my friend are a person. And as a person you have thoughts, ideas, and the ability to make a positive difference in so many ways. There is nothing you can buy, nothing you can own, or nothing you can receive as a gift that has more worth than you. Your worth is all those untouchable things that make you …well you. Your worth is what we, as a society, wouldn’t and couldn’t get without you being on Earth. Your worth is unlimited and there’s no one who can put a price on it.

Take time to see and celebrate your worth and not in an arrogant way. Still, make it a point to intentionally embrace your worth. Because if you don’t who do you think will or should? Like I’ve said before, I say again, you teach people how to treat you. And you show people how you see you. So, if you feel as though you don’t have any worth or that you just have to purchase something to feel better about you, you need to evaluate where those thoughts and feelings are coming from and you need to shift your mindset on what true worth is. Because as a human being I can tell you this there’s nothing created that’s more valuable than you.

~Be aware that as a human being the most expensive or rarest item, the biggest mansion or largest yacht, or even the greatest or most used invention did not create themselves – they were all created by none other than a person. So, value yourself and know your worth is unparalleled ~ Coach Sam

~Exalted Royalty~ A C. E. SAM COMPANY

C. E. Sam


C E Sam EMPOWERS black professional millennial women to perfect mindset, attitude, and quality of life – without stress and frustration

Get her book Recognize Him: Is He Dating YOU For Commitment on Bookbaby or Amazon

Exalted Royalty: a person who knows who he or she is and lives like it; a person who knows who he or she is in Christ and lives like it

Perfecting mindset, attitude and quality of life

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